Grocery Factory Shop in George
When shopping at Foodz in George you can save up to 50% or more on a wide selection of household products and groceries. On some of the products in stock you can save even more! Foodz sources food and other household products including cleaning and beauty products from suppliers throughout the country.
Some of the products are close to or past the Best Before dates, but still perfectly safe for human consumption. Other products stocked at the Foodz factory shop include Production overruns, Canceled orders, End of line products, Insurance claims, Redundant stock, Confiscated consumer goods, Bulk warehouse clearances, Liquidated merchandise, Surplus raw materials, Close-out, Purchased shelf pulls, Returns, Overstock, Bankruptcy Sales or stock from Reclamation Centres. All products are still perfect for use and available at a fraction of the normal prices. Why pay more at traditional grocery stores if you can save when shopping at Foodz.